Our philosophy is simple—be the best.

As an E-Commerce with mail-order service, METALEXTRA have in-depth knowledge on Engineering Tools and Measuring Equipment technology in Indonesia. METALEXTRA supports productivity in the field of industrial precision. Metalextra offers appropriate solutions for the Metal Industry, Energy & Mining, Manufacturing & Fabrication, Research institutes & Laboratories.

The experts of PT. Indonesia Surya Sejahtera wholeheartedly believes that “Metalworking is the foundation of industrial machines and precision tools”. Our hope is simple; We want customers to buy our efficient tools according to their abilities, pertinent to the field of metalworking and material processing, mechanical and electrical engineering. Thru a pragmatic work ethic, humane services and a hint of luck, we can offer you a greater peace of mind.

We are relentlessly searching and testing wide selection of precision tools so that you can have a reasonable solution. We want to contribute to the  growth of value added precision industry that will lead Indonesians into prosperity. We promote appropriate technologies through a user friendly approach. Hence, the products of high value will suit the local’s working ethics and within a measurable Key Performance Index as well.

We come from humble beginnings, but our diligence, fortitude and partnership, keep us advancing in the marketplace!

Sebagai E-Commerce dengan pemesanan via e-mail, METALEXTRA mendukung produktifitas kerja industri presisi. Dengan pengetahuan mendalam pada pengoperasian Alat Kerja Teknik dan Teknologi Alat Ukur di Indonesia, METALEXTRA menawarkan solusi tepat guna bagi industri logam, Energi & Pertambangan, Pabrikasi, Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pendidikan.

Tim ahli PT. Indonesia Surya Sejahtera dengan sepenuh hati percaya bahwa; “Pengerjaan logam merupakan dasar dari industri permesinan dan peralatan presisi”. Harapan kami sederhana; Agar pelanggan membeli alat penunjang kinerja sesuai kemampuannya, baik dibidang pekerjaan operasional material logam, teknik mekanis dan elektris. Dengan etos kerja pragmatis, pelayanan yang humanis dan secercah keberuntungan, kami bisa menawarkan ketenangan pikiran bagi anda. 

Kami tanpa henti mencari dan menguji berbagai pilihan alat presisi sehingga Anda dapat memiliki solusi yang masuk akal. Dengan memperkenalkan produk yang ramah pengguna dan bernilai tinggi, kami ingin berkontribusi pada pembentukan masyarakat Indonesia yang makmur melalui etika kerja lokal yang mengandalkan teknologi tepat guna, berdaya saing tinggi dan disertai dengan Index kinerja yang terukur pula.

Kami berasal dari awal yang sederhana, tetapi ketekunan, ketabahan, dan kemitraan kami, membuat kami terus maju di pasaran!

Company Outline

Company Name



Jl. Manyar 4 #1-1, KDA Batam Center, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau, 29464 – INDONESIA
Tel. : (0778) 4165-801




May 27th, 2019

Commercial Bank

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

Main Capital Bank


PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN)  

PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui

Core Business operations

  • Sales, distribute, trade, rental, aftersales service of Measuring equipment, Material Tester and Inspection devices.

  • Sales, distribute, trade, rental, aftersales service of Industrial manufacturing peripherals, Fabrication machinery, Precision engines, Material handling and Special purpose equipment.

  • Corporate learning and tutorial, Research and development of the industrial application software, automation software, and pertinent firmware.

Key Business

Sales + Trade + Rental + Corporate re-learning solution

Workflow Operations

What METALEXTRA can offer

Metalextra.com offer solutions from reliable manufacturer of machine tools, mechanical parts and instruments with the related know-how to organizations throughout Indonesia. We work closely with respected innovators in the field of Metalworking, Inspection tools, and Measurement. 

Our values

Our reputation is built on combining the Spirit of Innovation with user friendly approach. We provide humane services by listening and gathering information from you through friendly discussion, brainstorming and collaborate further in the spirit of innovation. Together, we can find reasonable means to answer your challenges. 

Our Motto:

“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” Henry Ford.

If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.” Henry Ford.

“Everyone says Toyota is the best company in the world, but the customer doesn’t care about the world. They care if we are the best in town, or not. That’s what I want to be.” Akio Toyoda.