Abrasive is a material, often a mineral, that is used to shape or finish a workpiece through rubbing, which leads to part of the workpiece being worn away by friction. While finishing a material often means polishing it to gain a smooth, reflective surface, the process can also involve roughening as in satin, matte or beaded finishes. In short, the ceramics which are used to cut, grind and polish other softer materials are known as abrasives.
Cutting tool or cutter is used to cut, shape, and remove material from a workpiece by means of machining tools as well as shear deformation. There are several different types of single edge cutting tools that are made from a variety of hardened metal alloys that are vary in size as well as alloy composition depending on the size and the type of material being turned. These cutting tools are held stationary by what is known as a tool post which is what manipulates the tools to cut the material into the desired shape.
Machining is a process in which a material (often metal) is cut to a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. The processes that have this common theme are collectively called subtractive manufacturing, which utilizes machine tools, in contrast to additive manufacturing (3D printing), which uses controlled addition of material.
Material testing is an interdisciplinary field of materials science that covers the discovery of new materials and characteristic, classify particularly solids. The field is also commonly termed materials science and engineering emphasizing engineering aspects of building useful items, and materials physics, which emphasizes the use of physics to describe material properties.
Metrology is defined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) as "the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology". It establishes a common understanding of units, crucial to human activity. Metrology is a wide reaching field, but can be summarized through three basic activities: the definition of internationally accepted units of measurement, the realisation of these units of measurement in practice, and the application of chains of traceability (linking measurements to reference standards). These concepts apply in different degrees to metrology's three main fields: scientific metrology; applied, technical or industrial metrology, and legal metrology.
Overall maintenance functions can defined as maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), and MRO is also used for maintenance, repair and operations. The technical meaning of maintenance involves functional checks, servicing, repairing or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting utilities in industrial, business, and residential installations. Over time, this has come to include multiple wordings that describe various cost-effective practices to keep equipment operational; these activities occur either before or after a failure.
Sawing are commonly used for cutting hard materials. They are used extensively in forestry, construction, demolition, medicine, and hunting. saw is a tool consisting of a tough blade, wire, or chain with a hard toothed edge. It is used to cut through material, very often wood, though sometimes metal or stone. The cut is made by placing the toothed edge against the material and moving it forcefully forth and less vigorously back or continuously forward. This force may be applied by hand, or powered by steam, water, electricity or other power source. An abrasive saw has a powered circular blade designed to cut through metal or ceramic.
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Kami merangkum informasi dari setiap prinsipal dan inovator teknik dalam menemukan dan menganalisis masalah dengan keahlian tertentu yang diperlukan. Dengan kata lain, tantangan Anda dalam menghubungkan manusia dengan bidang keahlian yang mungkin membutuhkan solusi terbaru. Jika Anda ingin berkontribusi pada artikel maupun ingin memilki direct link dan update, silahkan hubungi kami di Sales@Metalextra.com
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IMADA Vertical Motorized Test Stand MX2 series 500N to 5000N
Gambar hanyalah ilustrasi, bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu. Harga yang tertera disini sebagai referensi tidak mengikat. Harga penawaran sah lewat kuotasi saja.
IMADA Vertical Motorized Test Stand MX2-500N merupakan solusi terbaik untuk aplikasi uji kekuatan material dengan stand presisi. Anda bisa menggunakan IMADA Vertical Motorized Test Stand MX2 untuk mengukur gaya tekan atau compression test maupun gaya tarik atau stretch test dalam pengujian Tension measurement, Compression measurement. Anda bisa menggunakan beragam aksesoris maupun jig yang sesuai dengan model pengujian yang diinginkan. Framenya terbuat dari material pelat steel yang solid membuatnya ideal untuk digunakan dengan tangan, atau dapat dipasang ke tempat uji.
Stand ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat nol tolok ukur untuk mengimbangi pengukuran attachment dan perubahan posisi pengukuran. Sakelar pemilih tahan waktu nyata / puncak memungkinkan Anda untuk mengamati transien atau menangkap puncak. Banyak rentang yang tersedia untuk mencakup semua kebutuhan pengukuran kekuatan Anda (juga tersedia dalam satuan Newtons). Ada 4 tipe IMADA motorised stand vertical yang cocok digunakan dengan beragam model force gauge yang memerlukan pengukuran gaya yang konstan dan presisi. IMADA Motorized Test Stand tipe MX2-500N atau 1000N/2500N/5000N
Sejak 1947, IMADA Co Ltd. memproduksi solusi presisi asal kota Toyohashi, Aichi Jepang. Pastikan kehandalan dan keaslian produk Force Gauge IMADA dengan membelinya di Metalextra.com.
Fitur IMADA Motorized Test Stand tipe MX2-500N :
Kecepatan dan posisi pengujian konstan untuk penerapan kompresi dan gaya tarik serta Panel kontrol yang cenderung ergonomis
Operasi panggil untuk pengaturan digital serta Tiga mode pengujian untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengujian
Fungsi untuk pengujian yang efisien dengan mode Pengaturan jarak perjalanan yang mudah tergantung pada jumlah sampel yang diuji.
Secara otomatis mengubah kecepatan perjalanan dan pengukuran sesuai pada nilai kekuatan yang ditetapkan. (*)
Bisa diprogram dan terkoneksi dengan perangkat komputer untuk tabulasi data dan pengolahan statistik pelaporan
Desain yang kokoh meminimalkan pengaruh deformasi maks.0.5mm
Serbaguna untuk berbagai pengujian yang berurusan dengan uji ketahanan dengan menetapkan jumlah tes siklus untuk mengulangi sesi pengujian
Fungsi timer yang berguna untuk pengujian kompresi memungkinkan berhenti pada nilai kekuatan yang ditetapkan.
Meja yang terpasang dapat memasang berbagai jenis metode kelm dan jepit sesuai kebutuhan ukur.
Fungsi opsional untuk berbagai keperluan
Mode waktu nyata dan puncak
Tes cepat dimungkinkan untuk test tekan dan test tarik manual.
Harap dicatat:
Gambar hanya untuk tujuan representasi. Produk mungkin berbeda dari yang ditunjukkan di atas. Diskon% dibulatkan ke Bilangan bulat terdekat. Harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu seiring dengan perubahan nilai tukar valuta asing dan program promosi. Untuk lebih jelas silahkan hubungi: Sales@Metalextra.com
Using Guide & Dimension of IMADA Vertical Motorized Test Stand MX2-500N :
Order Guide IMADA Vertical Motorized Test Stand MX2 series 500N to 5000N:
Digital 10 to 300mm/min
[10 – 20mm/min: by 0.5mm/min]
[20 – 100mm/min: by 5mm/min]
[100 – 300mm/min: by 10mm/min]
Digital 0.5 to 300mm/min
[0.5 – 20mm/min:
by 0.5mm/min]
[20 – 100mm/min:
by 5mm/min]
[100 – 300mm/min:
by 10mm/min]
Max. Sample
Approx. 235mm
Approx. 300mm
Approx. 320mm
Approx. 380mm
[Standard models] less than 0.5mm,
[Long stroke (optional)] less than 1.0mm
[extended column (optional)]
less than 1.0mm
Stroke Limit
Controllable with upper and lower knob
Manual / Jog / Cycle mode
Counter (number of tests to repeat): Max. 65535 times
Timer (pausing time): Up to 99 min 59 sec 9 (by 0.1 sec)
Emergency stop, force control (*2), overload prevention (*2, *3)
0 to +40 degree Celsius
35 to 70% (avoid condensation)
AC100 to 240V, 50/60Hz (Select from 100, 120 and 230V. Accessories are provided accordingly.)
See [Dimensions]
Approx. 18kg
Approx. 19kg
Approx. 26kg
Approx. 51kg
Operation manual, power cable, spare fuse, tools
Operation manual, power
cable, spare fuse, tools,
carrying handle, yellow cap
GF-1 (Grip mounting
GF-2 (Grip mounting
adaptor), mounting plate for
high capacity force gauge
GF-2 (Grip mounting adaptor),
mounting plate for standard force gauge
-L: Extended stroke by 200mm
-2L: Extended stroke by 400mm
-CN: External signal input
-S: Length scale
-FA: Inbuilt linear scale
-V45: Speed 1.5 to 45mm/min
-V90: Speed 3 to 90mm/min
-V450: Speed 15 to 450mm/min
-V600: Speed 20 to 600mm/min
-V900: Speed 30 to 900mm/min
-L: Extended stroke by 300mm
-CN: External signal input
-S: Length scale
-FA: Inbuilt linear scale
-V75: Speed 2.5 to 75mm/min
-V150: Speed 5 to 150mm/min
-V750: Speed 25 to 750mm/min
-V1000: Speed 35 to 1000mm/min
-L: Extended stroke by 300mm
-CN: External signal input
-S: Length scale
-FA: Inbuilt linear scale
-V75: Speed 2.5 to 75mm/min
-V150: Speed 5 to 150mm/min
-EXT: Extended column by
200mm (*8)
-CN: External signal input
-S: Length scale
-FA: Inbuilt linear scale
Force Gauge
Mechanical Force Gauge: FB, PS, PSM series
Digital Force Gauge: DST, DSV, ZTS, ZTA series (up to 1000N)
Load cell: DPU series (up to 500N *10)
Digital Force Gauge: ZTS, ZTA series (Over 2500N)
Mechanical Force Gauge: PSH series
*1 Max. sample height refers to the distance between the table and the tip of force gauge measuring shaft when the head is at the top.
(MX2-500N/MX2-1000N: up to 1000N model of ZTS/ZTA series, MX2-2500N/MX2-5000N: With over 2500N model of ZTS/ZTA series
is mounted.)
*2 ZTS/ZTA series force gauge and optional cable CB-518 are required.
*3 It does not guarantee complete protection against overloading.
*4 Add the option code after the model name to complete the model with options.
e.g. When adding long stroke option to MX2-500N … Model: MX2-500N-L
*5 Capacity is reduced as below by some speed change options.
MX2-500N: -V600 capacity 250N, –V900 capacity 150N MX2-1000N:-V750 capacity 500N, –V1000 capacity 250N
*6 Amplifier such as ZTA and FA Plus2 (sold separately) or software are required to record measuring value of linear scale.
*7 Additional charge for wooden packing (Japan domestic shipping) or LVL wooden packing (oversea shipping) are required for shipping.
*8 The stroke does not extend. It extends the column of test stand and max. sample height is approx. 580mm.
*9 Ensure to use within the capacity of force gauge and test stand regardless of the mountable models.
*10 Mounting block (sold separately) is required to mount over 1000N range of DPU to MX2-1000N/MX2-2500N/MX2-5000N.
Application Guide IMADA Vertical Motorized Test Stand MX2 series 500N to 5000N:
IMADA CO., LTD. Motorized Test Stand MX2-500N/1000N/2500N/5000N