PT elnusa Field Crew Instalasi

Elnusa started as a state-owned oil and gas PT Pertamina’s operations support services company. Its services include maintenance and reparation of Pertamina’s vessel shipboard electronic communications equipment, navigational equipment and radar system. Oil tankers owned by other companies working under contract with Indonesia state-owned oil and gas companies were also part of Elnusa clientele.

PT Elnusa Tbk. was officially listed at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Stock Code: ELSA) on 6th February 2008. With its own brand of professionalism, transparency, management and clean & trustworthy business ethics, PT Elnusa Tbk. was ready then to take on challenges, nationally, regionally and internationally. Today, PT Elnusa Tbk. is an Energy Services Company, which not only serves oil & gas industry, but also the other energy sectors.

Field Crew Instalasi
Laki laki
Min. D3/$1 Teknik Elektro
Min. experience 1-2 Tahun
fresh graduate dipersilahkan
Memahami lingkup pekerjaan ESP
Siap penempatan Offshore
Tanggung jawab:
– Crew Instalasi merupakan personil anggota dari team
– Melaksanakan Pekerjaan Pemasangan / Pencabutan
– Bersama dengan ESP Spesialis melakukan persiapan,
pemeriksaan, pencatatan terhadap unit yang dicabut
atau dipasang
Bekerjasama dengan anggota lainnya untuk
memastikan seluruh pekerjaan berjalan dengan aman,
selamat dan memberikan hasil terbaik
– Melakukan pengawasan/monitoring saat ESP
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