Author Archives: Indonesia Surya Sejahtera

Pertamina Dukung UMK Ciptakan Produk Peluang Ekspor

Ajang UMK Academy Pertamina terbukti dapat mendorong para mitra binaan Pertamina naik kelas secara progresif. Pada tahun 2020, terdapat 61 mitra binaan berhasil lulus menjadi UMK Go Global. Tahun ini, jumlah tersebut akan terus ditingkatkan salah satunya dengan cara memberikan wawasan tentang ekspor pada peserta UMK Academy 2021 kelas Go Global. Pjs. Senior Vice President […]

PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) X produksi gula sebesar 146.823 ton

PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) X mengawali musim giling tahun 2021 pada tanggal 20 Mei, yang dimulai oleh dua Pabrik Gula (PG) miliknya, yaitu PG Gempolkrep Mojokerto dan PG Ngadiredjo Kediri. Hingga 18 Agustus 2021, PTPN X telah memproduksi gula sebesar 146.823 ton dengan tebu digiling 2,07 juta ton, dan rendemen 7,41%.  “Angka produksi yang telah […]

Hot Process Supervisor PT Citra Tubindo Tbk

PT Citra Tubindo Tbk, a subsidiary of Vallourec, was established in 1983 to provide the end finishing of OCTG (oil country tubular goods) for the oil industry in Indonesia. The plant started production in June 1984 as a pioneering enterprise on the island of Batam, situated just 20km south of Singapore and has now become […]

CNC and Tooling Engineer di PT Citra Tubindo Tbk

PT Citra Tubindo Tbk, a subsidiary of Vallourec, was established in 1983 to provide the end finishing of OCTG (oil country tubular goods) for the oil industry in Indonesia. The plant started production in June 1984 as a pioneering enterprise on the island of Batam, situated just 20km south of Singapore and has now become […]


PT EPSON BATAM is the electronics manufacturing company in Batam, with the number of employees more than 3,000 people. Role as production key of SEIKO EPSON Corporation with products: Device, Scanner and Ink Cartridge. Those products are shipped to worldwide customer. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT EPSON BATAM is always working […]

PT Yokohama Industrial Products Manufacturing Indonesia – Production Control Clerk

PT. Yokohama Industrial Products Manufacturing Indonesia (YI-ID) is a new established rubber manufacturing in Batam. We are a subsidiary of Yokohama Rubber .,Co Ltd that located in Kanagawa, Japan and a leading rubber manufacturing in the world. PT. Yokohama Industrial Products Manufacturing Indonesia (YI-ID) is a company that was established on the Indonesian island of […]

SPACE X orbitkan satelit terbesar dari Asia; Satelit Republik Indonesia SATRIA-1

Satelit satria ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan internet publik melalui pemerataan konektivitas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, khususnya di daerah 3T dan perbatasan. Melalui proyek ini diharapkan seluruh layanan pendidikan, fasilitas kesehatan, administrasi pertahanan dan keamanan, serta pemerintahan daerah di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dapat terkoneksi dengan internet. Satelit SATRIA Berkapasitas 150 Gbps dengan teknologi High Throughput Satellite […]

System PROGRAMMER di PT Cladtek Bi Metal Manufacturing

Cladtek is the largest supplier of weld overlay Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) pipe in the world today, and a leading supplier of CRA mechanically lined pipe (MLP). From humble beginnings 15 years ago, our products are now in service around the globe and with some of the world’s largest and most respected organisations including Adnoc […]

PT Esco Bintan Indonesia – Mechanical Design Engineer

Founded in 1978, Esco is a leader in laboratory and pharmaceutical equipment solutions. From its Headquarters in Singapore, Esco manages an international sales, service and marketing organization with offices in 13 countries and distributors in 100 nations. Our customers are the world’s leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, life science research organizations. Esco’s primary manufacturing and development center […]

PT. Teckwah Paper Products Indonesia – QA Engineer

PT. Teckwah Paper Products Indonesia is a subsiadiary of Teckwah Pte Ltd, which was started as humble producer of plain packaging boxes back in 1968. We have since evolved to become a trusted brand to business owners seeking to visually communicate their products through packaging. Eager to serve, delight and engage at every touch point, we […]

Kawasan Punggur Wiraraja Industrial Park di Kota batam, menerima investasi 6 perusahaan baru

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto menyatakan optimismenya terhadap daya tarik Kepulauan Riau di mata calon investor setelah dia mengklaim pelaku usaha yang berminat berinvestasi di sana. Hal itu disampaikannya saat meluncurkan enam perusahaan baru di kawasan Punggur Wiraraja Industrial Park Kota Batam.  Perusahaan baru yang diluncurkan terdiri dari PT. Jaya Electrical Energy, PT. Marubeni […]

PT Esco Bintan Indonesia – Firmware Developers

Founded in 1978, Esco is a leader in laboratory and pharmaceutical equipment solutions. From its Headquarters in Singapore, Esco manages an international sales, service and marketing organization with offices in 13 countries and distributors in 100 nations. Our customers are the world’s leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, life science research organizations. Esco’s primary manufacturing and development center […]


PT EPSON BATAM is the electronics manufacturing company in Batam, with the number of employees more than 3,000 people. Role as production key of SEIKO EPSON Corporation with products: Device, Scanner and Ink Cartridge. Those products are shipped to worldwide customer. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT EPSON BATAM is always working […]

PT WIJAYA KARYA Tbk. [WIKA] bangun Jembatan Sei Alalak di Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan

Kota Banjarmasin , Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel) tak lama lagi memiliki jembatan lengkung pertama di Indonesia. Jembatan itu bernama Jembatan Sei Alalak yang menghubungkan Kota Banjarmasin dengan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Wali Kota Banjarmasin Ibnu Sina sebagaimana dilansir, mengatakan bahwa Jembatan Sei Alalak ditargetkan selesai pada medio September 2021. “Saya berharap ini sesuai dengan rencana akan […]

PT TEC Indonesia (Batam) – Material Analyst

We are PT TEC Indonesia, located in Batam, member of TOSHIBA TEC. We are produce : POS Printer, POS Terminal, Barcode Printer, Print Head, Ribbon, Printer for ATM, Dot Matrix Printer. PT TEC Indonesia is expanding function in Batam and pleased inviting you become our creative, innovative, and full motivation person to lead the innovation […]